Accepting Bids for a Food Service Vendor in Iberia Parish and Lafayette Parish
Prime Time Family Reading, Inc.
Accepting Bids for a Food Service Vendor in Iberia Parish and Lafayette Parish
Early Head Start and Head Start Program
Thank you for your interest in providing food services to Prime Time Head Start. The link to the Request for Proposals (RFP) is immediately below.
2023-24 PT Acadiana food service RFP_w attachments.pdf
Prime Time, Inc. seeks vended meals (breakfast, lunch, and snack) and delivery service for approximately 849 students/faculty members across 4 sites in Iberia Parish and Lafayette Parish, LA for its 2023-2024 Early Head Start (EHS) and Head Start (HS) school year. Once awarded, contracts are effective for 1 year with optional annual renewal up to 5 years (contingent upon Prime Time’s status as a Head Start grantee).
Prime Time, Inc. is a Louisiana Department of Education-approved Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) sponsor. Responses to this RFP must indicate the capacity and commitment to provide quality and compliant vended meals and meal delivery service in accordance with CACFP regulations and Prime Time standards for quality and excellence. Proposals must include per meal pricing as well as total costs. Efforts should be made to align per meal pricing with current CACFP reimbursement rates. RFP guidance must be followed to ensure a complete proposal as incomplete proposals will not be considered.
Proposals can be submitted via in-person delivery, mail, or email (see RFP for submission details). Proposals WILL NOT be opened until the virtual/public bid opening on Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 1:00 pm cst.
- Bid Location: Online (see below, advanced registration required)
- RFP Post Date/Time: Thursday, 8/10/2023
- Bid Receipt Deadline Date/Time: Wednesday, 8/30/2023 @ 4:00 pm
- Public Bid Opening Date/Time: Thursday, 8/31/2023 @ 1:00 pm
- Bid Award Date/Time: Tuesday, 1/5/2021 @ 3:00 pm
- Bid Review Period: Thursday, 8/31/2023 – Monday, 9/4/2023
- Award Decision Communication Date: Monday, 9/11/2023
- Partnership Kick-off Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, 9/12/2023 @ TBD
- Contract Start Date: Sunday, 10/1/2023
- Contract End/Renewal Date: Monday, 9/30/2024
Interested entities can participate in the Prime Time CACFP Virtual/Public Bid Opening on Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 1:00 pm cst.
- Participation in the PT Head Start Food Service Bid Opening WILL NOT impact the outcome of the review.
Please contact Shantrell Austin ([email protected]) with questions.
Prime Time Inc., is an equal opportunity employer.