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Prime Time Pops initiative encourages male role models
June 22, 2022
Fathers, grandfathers, uncles and other male role models play an important part in the early development and long-term well-being of young children. With that in mind, Prime Time Head Start is launching a new initiative called Prime Time Pops.
Prime Time Pops will involve fathers, grandfathers, community leaders, Prime Time policy council members, Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities board members and other male role models in activities at Prime Time Head Start centers throughout the upcoming school year. They will also help bridge the gap while our Head Start programming is closed for the summer.
Throughout the summer break, Prime Time Head Start will be sharing Reading with Prime Time Pops videos on the Prime Time YouTube channel. This weekly video series will feature our “Pops” reading preschool-appropriate books, and combines Prime Time’s goals of promoting family engagement and literacy.